BCP Council (Poole area): Chris Miell is pleased to announce that he has recently secured planning permission for the erection of a 4-bedroom detached dwelling on land to the rear of Magna Road.

The site faces onto Knighton Lane and was formerly within the South East Dorset Green Belt. The application site falls within the ‘UE2: North of Bearwood’ strategic urban extension, which is an allocation within the Poole Local Plan (2018) that seeks to deliver a minimum of 800 homes, a 60 bed care home and a community hub.

In 2021, the Council granted planning permission for the phased development of the urban extension for up to 695 new homes, a 60-bed care home and a community hub. The application site, despite being allocated within the strategic urban extension on the Proposals Map, does not form part of the approved urban extension.

Accordingly, we put forward the argument that there was no longer a need to safeguard this parcel of land for the planned strategic urban extension as the proposed development would not prejudice the future development of the strategic urban extension.

As part of the planning process, we worked closely with local designers Harriplan who prepared the planning drawings.  To support the application, we prepared a thorough supporting design, access and planning statement, which set out the merits of the proposal in a clear and concise manner, showing to the LPA that the additional dwelling would not be out of character or harmful to the evolving streetscene along Knighton Lane.

The Planning Officer agreed with our assessment, concluding “The layout of the development does not conform to the narrow deep plots along Magna Road however, this site would have its own identity as it is located off Knighton Lane and would be in close proximity to the six houses proposed as part of this scheme. The proposed house would sit in isolation within a spacious open plot; due to its isolated location and access from Knighton Lane. Should further development come forward within the adjacent site which is under the same ownership; an alternative layout may be more appropriate to facilitate additional development. The scheme is therefore considered to comply with Policies PP27 & PP28 of the Poole Local Plan.”

If you have a parcel of land and would like to pursue a residential development then why not call Pure Town Planning on 01202 585524 or email info@puretownplanning.co.uk to find out how we can help you.