BCP Council: Chris Miell has recently won an appeal against BCP Council and secured planning permission for householder alterations and extensions, including the enlargement of front and rear dormer windows, at a property on Birchwood Road, Poole.

The appeal site was formerly occupied by a traditional chalet bungalow, which has been modernised by the current owners. In January 2022, planning permission was secured for a contemporary remodel of the property, which included enlarging the front and rear dormer windows. Upon commencing the works, the owners sought permission to extend the width of the approved front dormer window to provide additional floor space at first floor level. The scheme was designed by local architectural practice Design & Developments Associates Ltd.

This application was rejected by the Council, who argued that the proposal would appear as an unduly dominant and intrusive addition that would fail to integrate well with the appearance of the application dwelling and would be materially harmful to the character and appearance.

Having reviewed the Council’s decision, we firmly disagreed with the local planning authority’s assessment of the proposal and their overall conclusions. Therefore, were instructed by the property owner to lodge an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate. In support of the appeal, we prepared a detailed statement of case, which concluded that the proposal would be compliant with the development plan.

Within our statement we undertook a detailed assessment of the local distinctiveness of the area and concluded that the proposal would have an acceptable impact. We highlighted that the immediate area had a mixed character with a variety of property type, including nearby properties with large front dormer windows.

In assessing the proposal, the Inspector agreed with our assessment and found:

“With regard to the character and appearance of the area, the appeal property is smaller in size and lower in height than the adjoining dwellings and as a result is much less prominent in the street scene. The dwelling is also set back and down from the road and is screened on approach by existing planting and street trees such that the dormer window would not be highly visible. Furthermore, the appeal site is located on a road comprising dwellings of differing sizes, styles, and materials, including dwellings containing a variety of different designs of dormer windows. Even though these dormers are smaller than the appeal proposal, they are generally more prominent and to dwellings of a different design. As a result and given my findings above in relation to the design of the dormer window being appropriate for the host dwelling, the proposal would not be harmful to the street scene.”

On that basis, the Inspector found that the proposed development was consistent with the development plan and the National Planning Policy Framework, and they proceeded to grant planning permission for the works.

If you have recently been refused planning permission and would like to know whether it is worth appealing, then why not call Pure Town Planning on 01202 585524 or email info@puretownplanning.co.uk to see how we can help you.