Dorset Council: Matt has successfully secured planning permission for the demolition of existing commercial shop building and redevelopment of site to provide 4 flats with associated parking and cycle storage in West Moors north of Ferndwon, Dorset. The scheme was designed by our friends at Anders Roberts Cheer 

The site lies in the urban area of West Moors where the principle of new residential development is acceptable as this settlement is a district centre in policy KS2 of the core strategy. The council cannot currently show a five year supply of deliverable housing and therefore the tilted balance is engaged in respect of paragraph 11 of the NPPF.

When assessing the proposal the appointed planning officer considered that the proposed building would be of an appropriate height and massing when seen in the context of the adjacent buildings and would be compatible with its surroundings. In terms of amenity of neighbouring residents, the officer concluded that all windows proposed would have a satisfactory relationship with adjacent properties and not result in harmful overlooking.

Quite astonishingly from validation to receipt of the decision took exactly 6 weeks to the day! 2 weeks ahead of it’s target date which is virtually unheard of these days. The officer did not require any changes made to the plans and deemed that the proposal would enhance the appearance of the street scene by replacing a flat roofed building of poor design quality and delivering 4 flats to the settlement which would increase housing and provide smaller dwellings.

If you have a commercial property which you are wondering whether it has any residential development potential, then why not contact us at Pure Town Planning on 01202 585524 or email for a confidential planning appraisal.