Borough of Poole: Pure Town Planning made another successful appearance at Planning Committee last week, this time with Matt appearing at Borough of Poole for an application for a number of material minor amendments to an approved scheme of three houses in Branksome Park, Poole.
Elcock Associates were the agents on the application and they asked us to step in and present a strong deputation to the planning board for their client. The application was going to committee because a Ward Councillor had “called in” the application following concerns raised by a neighbour. The neighbour claimed that the repositioning of the chimney breast and the introduction of a small dormer to one of the houses would affect his ‘Right to Light’.
Crucially from the outset, Matt made it clear to the Councillors on the Committee that ‘Right to Light’ was a legal matter and not one for discussion in the forum of the Planning Committee. The only issues for consideration were whether the proposed changes adversely affected the character and appearance of the scheme or neighbouring residential amenities. Following deputations from the neighbour, the Ward Councillor and Matt, it was put to the vote and the application was approved unanimously by the Members.
If you have an application going to committee and feel you would benefit from someone experienced addressing the Members for you then give Pure Town Planning a call today on 01202 585524 and let us give your proposal a fighting chance!