Weymouth and Portland Borough Council: Pure Town Planning have secured listed building consent and planning permission to partially demolish, extend and convert the Prince of Wales public house in Weymouth into 3 apartments.
The pub is a Grade II listed building dating from the early 1800’s situated on Park Street within the Weymouth Town Centre Conservation Area. The site is situated within Flood Zones 2 and 3 and has no off-street parking provision. The pub closed in April 2015 and following a lack of interest from commercial tenants, Pure Town Planning were appointed by applicant to work collaboratively with Aspire Architects to pursue an application to convert the building into resident use.
The proposal comprised the conversion of the existing building to a 2-bedroom apartment and the erection of a two-storey rear extension to provide 2 additional apartments (1 x 1 bed and 1 x 2 bed). To facilitate the rear extension, a non-original rear wing of the listed building is to be demolished. The proposed extension is of a traditional design that draws influence from the Georgian period with the development safeguarding the original Georgian building.
Given the site’s constraints we engaged with Weymouth and Portland Borough Council at the earliest opportunity and submitted a pre-application enquiry. Over a period of several months we worked with the Council’s Planning Officer and Conservation Officer to develop a proposal that enhanced the character and appearance of the Weymouth Town Centre Conservation Area and special architectural interest of the listed building. To overcome flood risk issues, we proposed to raise the floor levels within the new accommodation to the rear and provide ‘safe havens’ for occupiers of the original building. Upon consideration of the initial scheme, the principle of development was considered acceptable by the Local Planning Authority (LPA). However, changes to the layout of the amenity area and further justification for the lack of parking, impact upon neighbouring amenity and loss of the pub were sought.
Following the pre-application enquiry, the layout was amended and an application was submitted to the LPA. As part of the application, we prepared a comprehensive supporting design, access, planning and heritage statement which set out the merits of the proposal in a clear and concise manner and concluded that the development would enhance the listed building and secure the optimum viable use of the designated heritage asset.
The statement demonstrated that the existing use was unviable and alternative premises to meet local needs were situated within close proximity of the site. In addition, through a detailed assessment we demonstrated the development would not have a detrimental impact upon neighbouring amenity. In terms of lack of a parking, we successfully argued that due to the site’s location close to several public transport interchanges and a high provision of amenities within the town centre, occupiers of the development would not require the use of car.
Upon considering of the application and supporting documentation, the Case Officer and all statutory consultees agreed with our conclusions and moved to grant listed building consent and planning permission for the development. The applicant was thrilled and is now preparing to undertake the works.
If you want to convert your existing buildings and maximise their revenue potential, or have been refused for such an application and need some guidance then why not contact Pure Town Planning on 01202 585524 or email info@puretownplanning.co.uk for a FREE 30-minute confidential consultation.