New Forest District Council: Chris Miell is excited to announce that he has secured planning permission for the regeneration of the former Women’s Institute (WI) Hall in Pennington near Lymington in Hampshire.

The site is located on the corner of Yaldhurst Lane and Lodge Road and occupied by the former WI Hall building. The WI vacated the premises in 2022 and the site has remained vacant ever since. The approved development, which was designed by David James Architects, will deliver 4 x 4-bedroom dwellings in a sustainable location close to local facilities and transport links.

Prior to our involvement, a previous planning application had been submitted for 5 x dwellings, which was refused by the Local Planning Authority. Therefore, prior to the submission of the planning application we undertook a detailed review of the previous scheme with the client and architect and worked as a team to formulate a revised design approach, which resulted in a reduction in unit numbers and the reorientation of the built form.

In addition, we prepared a thorough design, access and planning statement in support of the application, which set out the merits of the proposal in a clear and concise manner, showing to the local planning authority that four dwellings in this location would not be out of character or harmful to neighbouring amenity and highway safety.

During the planning application, we negotiated with the Local Planning Authority, which resulted in minor changes to the final scheme. We were also worked with the Local Planning Authority and mutually agreed upon a set of planning conditions, which avoids the imposition of any pre-commencement conditions.

The application was approved by the Planning Officer who concluded within his Officer Report that it is considered that the reduction from 5 to 4 units does allow the dwellings to sit more comfortably within the plot than the previously refused scheme. Furthermore, it is considered that the proposed orientation of the dwellings would now relate much better to Yaldhurst Lane, avoiding the awkward angled orientation of the previous proposal. By reducing units numbers and reorientating the dwellings, it is considered that the house on Plot 1 now has an appropriate set back from Lodge Road, whilst there are also considered to be appropriate gaps between the pair of semi-detached units and to the side of the house on Plot 4. The development would remain more intensive than is characteristic of the local context but not harmfully so.”

If you have a parcel of land and would like to pursue a residential development then why not call Pure Town Planning on 01202 585524 or email to see how we can help you.