BCP Council (Bournemouth area): Working on behalf of local charity The Stable Family Home Trust, Dan Wilden is pleased to have secured planning permission for an additional unit of supported housing accommodation at one of its existing housing schemes in Bournemouth.

The Stable Family Home Trust helps support adults with learning disabilities offering a range of services to from residential provision, domiciliary support and day services including education, skills and supporting people in employment. The application site is already in use as a supported housing scheme. The proposal involved the conversion of an outbuilding in the garden of the property into an additional self-contained studio unit of supported housing in order to maximise the benefit of the property to the community.

After a lengthy delay, unfortunately all too familiar in BCP Council, the proposal designed by DOT Architecture was approved.

If you have a property and are wondering whether its potential is being maximised, why not speak to Pure Town Planning to see whether we feel there are options to make better use of the site?