BCP Council (Poole):  Darryl Howells has secured a householder appeal for alterations to existing bungalow and the erection of a new roof with front and rear cropped gable elevations, to form habitable accommodation at first floor.  The client had instructed Ian Osmond of IJO Design to originally draw up the plans and submit them to the Local Planning Authority for a decision, however that decision was to refuse the application.  As such Ian kindly recommended that Darryl be instructed to prepare a robust planning appeal statement and submit the documentation with evidence to the Planning Inspectorate.

In the appeal decision, the Inspector accepted Darryl’s arguments that there are alternatively designed properties and a significant number with living accommodation in the roof space so whilst there is some similarity in a number of the dwellings, outright uniformity in scale and design is not a defining characteristic of the area.  Darryl also successfully argued that the scheme would not prejudice neighbouring amenities.

If you have received a refusal of planning permission, and you want to know about the options moving forward including the appeal process, then please contact one of Pure Town Planning’s consultants to give a no obligation, honest but informative appraisal to how best overcome the concerns of the Local Planning Authority.