New Forest District Council has now submitted both its Sites and Development Management DPD and its Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule to the Secretary of State for independent examination. The Secretary of State has appointed Simon Emerson BSc DipTP MRTPI as the Inspector who will undertake both Public Examinations – timetables are yet to be published.

The Sites and Development Management DPD, which the Council are referring to as Local Plan Part 2, includes the allocation of land for housing and employment as well as additional more detailed planning policies to supplement the Core Strategy (now Local Plan Part 1). At the Inspector’s request the Council are consulting on a few extra specific issues and amendments until 19 September.

The CIL charging schedule which we have already report on will see a flat charge on new residential development of £80 per sqm. This will not account for affordable housing which will be required in addition. No other development types will be charged except large retail developments.

As ever do give us a call if you have any queries about how any of this may affect you.