Bournemouth Borough Council: The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is coming to development in Bournemouth very soon! We are expecting that Bournemouth Borough Council will begin charging on developments which gain planning permission on or after 01 March 2016 – just four months away. Whilst this is unlikely to capture applications currently in the system it could potentially affect appeals recently or about to be lodged or other proposals in the pipeline.

The rates will be as follows:

  • Residential development outside the Town Centre Area Action Plan (AAP) Area (including sheltered and extra-care housing): £70 per sqm
  • Student accommodation: £40 per sqm
  • Comparison Retail outside the Town Centre AAP area: £250 per sqm
  • Convenience retail (supermarkets) over 280 sqm net retail floorspace: £250 per sqm
  • Convenience retail under 280 sqm net retail floorspace: £134 per sqm

All other development including residential development within the Town Centre Area Action Plan area (pictured below) will have no charge.

Bournemouth TCAAP

It is worth noting that all residential development will also have to pay the Dorset Heathlands SAMM charge of £355 per house and £242 per flat secured through a Section 106 agreement or unilateral undertaking. Affordable housing requirements will be unaffected.

Elsewhere in Dorset, CIL is delayed in Christchurch and East Dorset as they have had to re-consult on a new charging schedule following the judgement which struck down the Government’s 10-unit affordable housing threshold. Weymouth and Portland and West Dorset have adopted CIL but have yet to declare a date when they will begin charging – at present they simply say it will not until April 2016 “at the earliest”.

If you have any queries about how the CIL works or is to be implemented then please do get in touch with us.