The examination of Winchester District Local Plan Part 1 – Joint Core Strategy will soon be underway.  The Planning Inspector appointed to hold the examination is Nigel Payne BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI MCMI will hold a pre-hearing meeting on 12 September. The hearings themselves are scheduled to take place over eight days between 30 October and 09 November – much longer than typical these days.

Meanwhile today Winchester City Council is set to approve the new Local Development Scheme which updates the timetable for producing planning policy documents. In it we learn that the Local Plan Part 1 is scheduled for adoption in March 2013. The Local Plan Part 2, which will provide the more detailed day to day planning policies and smaller site allocations, will now follow over two years behind (adoption scheduled May 2015).

Finally we can expect to see the first draft of  Community Infrastructure Levy charging schedule in December this year. The Council are hoping to adopt in October 2013 (although charging may not commence until after then). If you recall April 2014 is the date when these need to be in place as Council’s will then no longer be able to collect money towards infrastructure from Section 106 agreements.

If you have any queries about all this then do give us a call.