BCP Council (Bournemouth):  Darryl Howells, a director of Pure Town Planning has secured a Certificate of Lawfulness for a Proposed Use or Development (CLOPUD) for the use of a property in Parkwood Road in part, as a single self-contained flat (C3(a)); and for the occupation of the main household by no more than six residents living together as a single household where care is provided for residents (Use Class C3(b)).

A Certificate of Lawfulness is a legal document that confirms that a proposed development is lawful having regard to legislation, not adopted planning policies which are open to subjective interpretation.  The uniqueness of this particular CLOPUD was that Darryl persuaded the Local Planning Authority to issue the Certificate for 2 separate uses, whereas doing so would not normally be usual practice of the Authority. The single Certificate was needed by the client for financing purposes.

The nature of the proposal was to provide residents who suffer from autism, the opportunity to live independent lives within a safe environment, knowing their support structure would be close at hand if needed – hence the need for an element of care in a dwelling. As the Certificate was sought to assist a specific group within our society that needed our help, Darryl handled the application and negotiations with the planning officer at a heavily discounted rate (below cost). Sometimes it is more important to act for the wider good and where appropriate Pure Town Planning are happy to support the local community.