BCP Council (Poole):  Darryl Howells has secured two outline planning permissions (all matters approved except landscaping) for the redevelopment of three houses in Bournemouth Road, Poole.  Each consent authorises the demolition of two houses and the erection of a 3-storey block of nine flats with associated vehicular access and parking at the rear. So in total the number of flats approved is 18, subject to minor changes to the rearward car parking layouts to prevent overlap. 

Working with Simon Morgan of Morgan Design Studio, Darryl prepared the robust planning statement to support the schemes explaining how it complied with adopted planning policies, submitted it as planning agent, undertook negotiations and give a deputation to Planning Committee, which secured the consents relatively quickly.   

Bournemouth Road in Poole is identified as being in an area where flatted development is encouraged in principle subject to the impact upon the character and appearance of the area, neighbouring amenities, car parking and highway improvements and relative heights to buildings.  Using his extensive knowledge of planning arguments, Darryl was able to argue with relative ease that the design, appearance and height  of the buildings were compatible with the evolving street and the site’s accessibility to local shops and public transport supported the principle of flats. 

Both schemes were designed to utilise the same vehicular access leading from the roadside, between the flatted blocks to a car parking area at the rear.  Using a single vehicular access created an efficient use of the site and offered opportunities for more built form and highway enhancements by the removal of awkward accesses that offered no opportunity for on site turning.   Positioning the car parking at the rear offered opportunities for landscaping to enhance the setting of the site.  The planning officer initially indicated a relationship concern with a neighbour, however Simon Morgan was able to rectify that concern with ease.

If you have a development site comprising adjoining properties and you want to explore how to maximise the development potential, then please contact one the consultants from Pure Town Planning.