BCP Council (Poole): Darryl Howells, a director of the firm has secured a Section 73 application for the erection of the 6 storey block of 8 flats including basement parking on a site in Lower Parkstone. The client engaged the services of David James Architects to prepare the planning application drawings however sought Darryl’s expertise to guide the application through the planning process.
The history of the site is complex, however the key decision that Darryl sought amendment to was made in 2012 for the erection of a 7 storey block of 8 flats which was implemented by reason of partial implementation of the driveway. That scheme was not pursued due to building cost, but also that architectural preferences had changed over time and the client wanted a contemporary form of development.
Prior to the application, Darryl suggested to the client a S73 application, which essentially provides the applicant with a new planning permission of a materially different scheme from the original however the planning fee is reduced from £3,696 to only £234; and that any additional Community Infrastructure Levy is only payable on new additional floor space, of which on this scheme there was none.
The revised design significantly changed the appearance of the block of flats in terms of its height, exterior appearance, finished floor levels and excavation of soil needed to create the basement.
During the applicant, the planning officer tried to move the applicant towards verification of the scheme to establish whether affordable housing could be provided as the Council’s own adopted policy states that on housing schemes over 1000m² the assessment was necessary. Darryl presented a robust and convincing argument that the currently adopted National Planning Policy Framework is newer than adopted policies so should be attributed greater weight than the Local Plan. As such no assessment towards affordable housing was required. Darryl pro-actively worked with the planning officer (which is greatly appreciated) to move the application towards a recommendation to approve that was received yesterday.
If you have a consent you would like to modify why not contact Pure Town Planning for to discuss the best way to achieve it.