Borough of Poole: Pure Town Planning are excited to announce that we have recently secured planning permission for the erection of six dwellings with associated access and parking on a brownfield site located at Powell Road, Poole.
The application site is currently occupied by three detached dwellings from the post war period. The dwellings are of little architectural merit and feature two floors of accommodation above lower ground floor garages.
The site is situated within the Lower Parkstone area of Poole and the immediate area has a predominantly residential character with a variety of types and styles of dwellings and flatted blocks present. Within the past decade several traditional and post-war properties have been demolished and the plots have been redeveloped with 3-4 storey apartment blocks and townhouses. There are also 4-6 storey flatted developments in the locality. In terms of architectural style, there is a considerable variety of building types and finishes present throughout the wider area.
The approved scheme, designed by DOT Architecture, comprises the demolition of the existing buildings and the erection of six dwellings with associated access and parking. The properties would be arranged as three pairs of semi-detached units with accommodation arranged over four storeys when view from Powell Road. Due to the sloping land levels, the dwellings are to be cut into the slope and therefore have a three-storey appearance from the rear of the site.
The proposed development is of a striking contemporary design and the properties will be finished with high quality modern materials comprising composite timber panels, stone cladding, grey cladding and smooth white render. Each of the three pairs of semi-detached dwellings feature subtle material differences to the external appearance to provide individual pairs of built form. Internally, the design incorporates the characteristic upper floor living space which has become a staple of redeveloped properties in the area and provides over 270 sqm (2900 sq ft) of useable floor space per unit.
Each dwelling benefits from high levels of useable amenity space for future residents in the form of balconies, terraces and a rear garden. From the upper floors, the properties will benefit from views of Poole Harbour and Brownsea Island. In terms of soft landscaping, the majority of the existing soft landscaping to the rear and trees on the boundaries are to be retained. However, to facilitate the development two protected trees are to be felled, with high quality semi-mature replacement planting proposed to safeguard and enhance the Borough’s woodland stock and the area’s verdant character.
In terms of the site’s history, we began working on this site in late 2016 and planning permission was initially refused for the proposal by the LPA in August 2017 with officers concluding that the proposal represented overdevelopment which failed to respect the existing layout and character of development within the surrounding area. Concern was also sited about the proposed massing, siting, layout and reduced gaps between dwellings with officers concluding the development would have a cramped and dominant appearance within the streetscene. We tested the proposal at appeal and argued that the proposed development was wholly acceptable as it makes best efficient use of a brownfield site, whilst not representing an overdevelopment of the site, given the site’s varied context.
The appeal was determined on 25th May 2018 and the Inspector supported the proposed development but could not allow the appeal because of issues with the legal agreement. The Inspector’s report concluded “I have found no harm to the character and appearance of the surrounding area… However, as there is no means of securing appropriate [heathlands] mitigation in, for this reason alone, the appeal must be dismissed...“
Following the appeal, we worked with the Council and interested parties to finalise an appropriate legal agreement to secure heathlands payments. Once this was completed we submitted a revised planning application. Upon considering the application and supporting documents the Council moved to grant planning permission for the development under delegated powers. Our client was delighted with the decision, which will deliver six excellent homes in a sustainable location.
If you have a brownfield site or under-utilised piece of land and would like to pursue a residential development then why not call Pure Town Planning on 01202 585524 or email for a FREE 30 minute consultation on how we can help you.