Weymouth and Portland Borough Council: Pure Town Planning have recently secured listed building consent and planning permission for the change of use of the first and second floors of 6-7 Coburg Place, Weymouth, Dorset to create a 4-bedroom apartment.
The site is a three-storey, Grade II listed building dating from the early 1800’s situated within the Weymouth Town Centre Conservation Area. The upper floors were historically used as restaurant space, but that use ceased approximately 5 years ago with the floorspace remaining vacant thereafter. Within the town centre the upper floors of many historic properties have been converted to residential use and therefore we argued that the principle of the development was acceptable.
To ensure that the development would not harm the special historic interest of the listed building, no external alterations were proposed, with the change of use utilising the original plan form of the listed building to provide a 4-bed apartment. The scheme featured minimal levels of partitioning and proposed the erection of one stud wall to facilitate the creation of a bedroom. All of which we argued would enhance the listed building and secure the optimum viable use of the designated heritage asset by bring the upper floors into habitable use.
As part of the application, we prepared a comprehensive supporting design, access, planning and heritage statement which set out the merits of the proposal in a clear and concise manner and made clear that the development complied with local and national planning policy.
Upon considering of the application and supporting documentation, the Case Officer and all statutory consultees agreed with our conclusions and moved to grant listed building consent and planning permission for the development with the 8-week target date. The applicant was understandably delighted with the approval and is now preparing to undertake the works.
If you want to convert your existing buildings and maximise their revenue potential, or have been refused for such an application and need some guidance then why not contact Pure Town Planning on 01202 585524 or email mailto:info@puretownplanning.co.uk for a FREE 30-minute confidential consultation.