East Dorset District Council: Jess Glover is delighted to have recently secured planning permission for the erection of a new dwelling in St Leonards with the plans supplied by Arcane Design Studio.

Before pursuing a planning application on the site, we firstly had to establish that the site was situated over 400m from the nearest Dorset Heathlands SSSI. Our contact at Natural England confirmed that the site was just outside of the 400m exclusion zone and therefore a new dwelling on the site would be acceptable in principle.

Following this confirmation we then worked closely with the architect and arboricultural consultant to ensure that the built form would not encroach upon the root protection areas of the TPO trees to the rear of the site and ensure that there would be no opportunities for overlooking neighbouring properties.

As part of the application, we prepared a thorough supporting Design, Access, and Planning Statement which set out the merits of the proposal in a clear and concise manner, whilst making it clear that the development was in accordance within adopted planning policies that support sustainable residential development.

Upon considering the application and supporting documents, the Council agreed with our conclusions and moved to grant planning permission for the development. The client was delighted with the decision and is now preparing for the development of the site.

If you own or are looking to buy a property which may have potential for a new dwelling on the site and need a firm to steer your development through the planning process, then why not give us a call on 01202 585524 or send us an email to info@puretownplanning.co.uk for a free 30 minute consultation.