Dorset Council (Purbeck area): Jess Glover has recently secured outline planning permission for the erection of an affordable dwelling with associated access and parking in East Stoke. The plans were produced by Matt Austin of 71 Design.

The client approached Pure Town Planning as they were keen to pursue development on their vacant site and through carrying out a desktop-based appraisal of the site we identified it was in the countryside and outside of a settlement boundary, therefore there was a presumption against any new development on the site.

However, Policy RES (Rural Exception Sites) of the Purbeck Local Plan Part 1 permits affordable housing in the countryside where it will meet a specified need and could not be met otherwise. East Stoke was identified as being a rural area where there is demand for affordable housing and therefore we considered the Council would accept the principle of development for this proposal.

During the course of the application, the applicant was required to enter into a S106 legal agreement to ensure the property would solely be used as an affordable dwelling. There were no other objections in terms of highways, drainage, character or amenity and the Council subsequently approved the application.

If you have a parcel of land and are looking for development opportunities why don’t you get into contact with Pure Town Planning on 01202 585524 or email for a free and confidential 30 minute appraisal.