Dorset Council: Matt Annen, Director of Pure Town Planning has secured a consent to vary conditions attached to a previous planning consent to extend the number of wedding events from 12 previously to a maximum of 30 events in any calendar year as well as re-position the wedding marquee.

Whilst on the face of it, the task seemed straightforward, variation of condition applications can often be quite complex and Council’s are not always happy to relax or or remove conditions (which had to have been deemed necessary, relevant and reasonable at the time of imposing them). In this instance the reasoning behind limiting the number of events intially was to protect neighbouring amenity. Pure Town Planning together with our well respected clients (who are well known in the events/hospitality industry) compiled a package of measures which demonstrated that although the frequency of wedding events at this luxurious rural retreat is to be increased this would not be at the detriment of neighbouring amenity.

Unfortunately due to the current capacity issues and lack of resources at the Council, this relatively small appplication still took 11 months to determine which was very frustrating for the whole team (Not that many weddings could have actually taken place last year what with the current COVID restrictions!).

Anyway in light of this decision, our clients have now launched their wedding events for the coming years at this beautifully picturesque Country House and we wish them all the best with this idyllic wedding venue. Find out more here.

Planning conditions attached to planning permissions can often be a headache or limit uses years down the line. If you are looking for advice on the implications of an old permission why not get in touch with one of Pure Town Planning’s expert consultants.