Dorset Council: Jess Glover is pleased to announce that she has recently secured planning permission for demolition of existing garage, erection of rear and side extensions, and raising of the roof to form rooms in the roof space in Verwood, Dorset. The plans were prepared by Marlow Architects.

The existing bungalow had limited internal space and also a tired, dated appearance and therefore the applicant sought to not only provide sufficient living accommodation to meet their family’s needs but also to significantly improve the external appearance of the dwelling.

As part of the application process we submitted a comprehensive supporting Design, Access and Planning Statement which drew the Council’s attention to the numerous similar planning approvals in the immediate area and also provided design justification for the scheme to demonstrate that the proposal would not be harmful to the character and appearance of the area or neighbouring amenity.

The officer had no issues with the proposal and recommended the scheme for approval.

If you have an existing property and would like to upgrade its’ appearance or maximise the amount of habitable accommodation then why not call the experts at Pure Town Planning on 01202 585524 or email to find out how we can help you.