Leeds City Council: Jess Glover is pleased to announce that she has successfully secured a Lawful Development Certificate to establish that the proposed change of use of the property to a Dental Surgery is lawful in Morley, Leeds.

Recent changes to the Use Classes Order in September 2020 introduced a new Use Class E which encompasses a wider range of uses including offices, retail and commercial uses. Therefore the change of use within Use Class E should not normally require planning permission.

The client approached Pure Town Planning as we had already successfully obtained planning permission for extensions and alterations to their existing dental surgeries in the BCP area. We advised them that a dental surgery now falls within a Use Class E and as the existing use of the site was an office use (also Use Class E), planning permission should not be required. To certify that the change of use would be lawful, the client instructed us to prepare a Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed use as a dental surgery and we compiled a supporting statement and evidence outlining our justification for the proposed lawful use.

The Planning Officer considered that the evidence did demonstrate that the proposed use would be lawful and approved the application.

If you are looking to obtain a change of use on the site and would like a free of charge appraisal to ascertain whether the use would be lawful and therefore not require planning permission why don’t you contact Pure Town Planning at info@puretownplanning.co.uk for a free confidential planning enquiry to see if we can help.