BCP Council (Christchurch area): Jess Glover has recently secured planning permission for the erection of an end-of-terrace three-bedroom dwelling at Melbourne Road in Christchurch.

The site comprised a former side garden and conservatory for the host property on the end of a row of terraced houses. We proposed the demolition of the existing side conservatory and plot split to create a new end-of-terrace dwelling to match the appearance of the adjoining dwellings with a parking space to be accessed from the rear.

As part of the application, we worked closely with architects Koru Design to prepare the scheme. We prepared a thorough supporting design, access and planning statement, which set out the merits of the proposal in a clear and concise manner, showing to the Council that the additional dwelling would not be out of character or harmful to the existing street scene.  

Although the Highways Officer objected to the scheme due to insufficient visibility splays to the parking space, to enable full visibility splays would significantly compromise the rear amenity space. Therefore, the Planning Officer considered that on planning balance that the proposal would be acceptable and recommended the application for approval, contrary to the advice from their Highway Officer.

If you have a parcel of land and would like to pursue a residential development then why not call Pure Town Planning on 01202 585524 or email info@puretownplanning.co.uk to discuss how we can help you.