Dorset Council: Matt Annen, Director of Pure Town Planning has secured a consent to demolish an existing detached commercial building on the site and replace it with a detached single storey building with larger footprint. The proposed building is to be used for flexible uses included in Use Class E of the Town & Planning Use Classes Order (as amended 2020) which includes the former A1 (retail), A2 (financial & professional services), A3 (restaurants/cafes), and B1 (uses that can operate in a residential area without detriment to amenity & offices). It also includes former class D1 (now E (f) – Creche/day nursery or day centre & E (d) – Indoor sport/recreation/fitness).

The plans were prepared by Anders Roberts Cheer Architects. If you have a vacant/under used building and are unsure how to maximise its full potential with alternative uses either residential or commercial, then please contact Pure Town Planning for a free appraisal and advice.