East Dorset District Council: Pure Town Planning are delighted to announce that we have recently secured full planning permission for the conversion of a care home to 8 residential units on Dudsbury Road, West Parley.
The site is located within the New Road Special Character Area and therefore new development must accord with strict planning rules. The area is characterised by detached dwellings set within large plots. The area has a sylvan character and most trees are protected by tree preservation orders.
Prior to the approval of the recent application, two applications for the demolition of the existing care home and the erection of a new flatted scheme had been refused by the East Dorset District Council, the latter being dismissed at appeal by the Planning Inspectorate.
With this in mind, it was clear that the best way forward was to utilise the existing built form. Working collaboratively with Aspire Architects, a scheme was prepared which maximised the development potential of the site and proposed to convert the building into 7 flats, over three floors and 1 x 4-bedroom dwelling to the rear. To improve the external appearance of the building, it was proposed to renew the existing render and paintwork, whilst removing dated pebbledash to the rear elevation and replacing it with render and brick slips. The existing trees were also proposed to be retained and a comprehensive arboricultural method statement was submitted with the application.
As part of the application we prepared a thorough supporting design, access, and planning statement which set out the merits of the proposal in a clear and concise manner, whilst making it clear that the proposed conversion of the building to residential use would not harm the local distinctiveness of the New Road Special Character Area. As part of the statement we also provided a justification for the loss of the care home, by demonstrating that alternative facilities were available to the community within the immediate area.
Upon initial consideration, the LPA sought a reduction in the number of units proposed to 7 because concerns had been raised by the Parish Council about a lack of parking provision. Such a reduction would have made the development unviable, therefore we negotiated extensively with the Planning Officer to achievable a mutually agreeable solution. The negotiations resulted in amendments to the site layout which provided 2 additional parking spaces for the development. As a result, 8 units were retained and after 5 months of negotiation the application was approved under delegated powers. The client was understandably thrilled with the decision and is now preparing for the development of the site.
If you are working on a residential development and are looking for a firm who will work tirelessly to steer your development through the planning process and secure that all-important planning permission, then why not give us a call on 01202 585524 or send us an email to info@puretownplanning.co.uk for a FREE 30 minute consultation.