Dorset Council: Darryl Howells , a director of Pure Town Planning has secured a significant planning permission for the retrospective change of use of a former residential care home to a 16 bedroom House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) (Sui Generis Use) on a site located in designated Green Belt.
The plans produced by Neil Bichard of Bradbury Bichard accompanied the robust planning statement that Darryl had prepared to justify the conversion in light of adopted planning policies. Darryl needed to convince the Senior Planning Officer that the principle of the development was permissible (despite the remote location from nearby shops, services and bus routes), that the proposal would not prejudice the openness of the Green Belt, and that adequate amenity for the intended occupiers could be provided for, in terms of car parking, outdoor space, cleaning, cooking and communal areas.
In determining the application, the Officer wholly agreed with Darryl’s interpretation of policy and supported the application. The offer accepted that the former 14 bedroom care home was no longer viable, acknowledging that there was no policy that prohibit its loss. The Officer agreed that the proposal would not affect the Green Belt, and the concluded “Having assessed the material considerations as outlined within the report above, there are not considered to be any matters which would warrant a refusal of planning permission in this case.”
Darryl would like to extend thanks to the Senior Planning Officer and the Team Manager for their swift action to determine this application despite ongoing difficulties in the Council organisation, which the department’s management are trying to resolve.
If you have a building positioned in designated Green Belt, and want to maximise its development or income potential, then please contact one of our consultants.