Christchurch Borough Council: Neil McKeon of Pure Town Planning has secured full planning permission for an 8-unit residential block in Grange Road, Christchurch.

The site lies in an area of mixed development with both residential and commercial uses on all sides. Despite the application site having an extant permission for B1 use as part of the previously-approved comprehensive Avro Business Park development, the proposed residential use of the site was considered to be fully policy compliant by the Council.

On-going meetings and consultation with Officers was undertaken to address initial concerns in respect of the scale, access arrangements and overall design style of the residential building. Following these detailed discussions, David James Architects designed a 2.5 storey scheme of traditional style and well-articulated built form, which Officers considered would make a positive contribution to the Grange Road street scene.

To ensure that the privacy and amenity of all neighbouring properties is safeguarded, extensive consultation was had with Officers in respect of internal layout and fenestration positioning – ultimately avoiding any sense of overbearing to neighbouring houses. The application subsequently received the full support of all respective Officers and the application was approved under delegated powers.

As evident in this case, Pure Town Planning tirelessly exhaust every avenue to secure planning permission for our clients. If you have a potential residential development and are looking for a firm who will steer your scheme through the planning process, why not give us a call or email to for a free appraisal and planning advice.