Our guide to developing in Southampton

town planning consultant SouthamptonSouthampton, the largest city in our area, is a compact urban unitary authority with a population of 250,000. The city is best known for its port and in particular as stopping off port for cruise liners past (think Titanic) and present. Southampton city centre is a thriving commercial hub also notable for its surprising historic remains (such as the medieval walls) and for its extensive network of green spaces.





Latest News from Southampton

Approved: certificate of lawfulness for a Use Class C4 HMO in Southampton

Southampton City Council: Dan Wilden is pleased to have secured a certificate of lawful use for a H[...]

Approved: new detached house in Highfield, Southampton

Southampton City Council: Dan Wilden is pleased to have secured outline planning permission for a n[...]

Approved: lawful development certificate for HMO in Southampton

Southampton City Council: Jess Glover is pleased to announce that she has successfully secured a La[...]

Key points about developing in Southampton

Development Plan: Southampton has an adopted Core Strategy adopted in 2010 replacing much (but not all) of its 2006 Local Plan. The Core Strategy is under partial review and there is also an emerging City Centre Action Plan – both are currently at the Examination in Public stage together – adoption is anticipated to be towards the end of 2014.

Pre-application advice: Southampton charge for this service with fees dependent upon the scale of the proposal – ranging from £35+VAT for a householder application up to £770+VAT for 10-99 unit residential schemes. Call us for advice on whether this service is worthwhile in your case.

Affordable Housing: 1-4 net dwellings none; 5-14 net dwellings 20%; 15 or more or over 0.5 ha 35%. There is a presumption of on-site delivery but where a commuted sum is agreed there is a standardised table to assist calculation.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL): Southampton have been charging since 01 September 2013. The rates are:

Retail (A1-A5) – £43 per sqm

Residential (C3 and all HMOs) – £70 per sqm

Special policy restrictions:

Significant areas around the town centre and along the riversides are flood risk areas

All residential development must meet Level 4 of Code for Sustainable Homes (BREAMM excellent for non-residential over 500sqm) and from 2016 this goes up to Level 6

Useful Links

Southampton Planning Homepage

Planning Applications Search

Planning Policy