Southampton City Council planning policy update

Southampton City Council: This week sees the hearing sessions of the joint Examination into  the City Centre Action Plan (CCAP) and Core Strategy Partial Review. Southampton’s City Centre Action Plan, which seems to have been a very long time in the making, aims to guide development in the south’s largest city centre. […]

Bournemouth and Poole: where have all your empty offices gone?

Bournemouth and Poole, Dorset: I have been surprised by the lack of take up of the new permitted development right to change the use of B1 offices into C3 residential particularly in Bournemouth and Poole. Over in Southampton the applications for prior approval have been rolling in including plans to convert […]

Hampshire Community Infrastructure Levy update

Hampshire: The somewhat breathtaking news that Hart District Council are intending to charge £800 per square metre Community Infrastructure Levy (Yes! Eight hundred not a typo) in some areas, reminded me that various CIL updates need reporting. Fareham: First up has to be Fareham Borough Council who have adopted CIL and began […]

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