Southampton City Council: Darryl Howells has secured retrospective planning permission for the erection of an enclosed stairwell to facilitate conversion of first and second floors into 2 flats (1x 2-bed, 1x 1-bed) with associated cycle/refuse storage for a site in Bedford Place in Southampton. The applicant first instructed Primmer Olds B.A.S. Chartered Surveyors, however their agent considered that the experience and knowledge of Pure Town Planning would be beneficial to the client, to assist to push the application through the Council.

Having been instructed by the client to submit the planning application, Darryl inspected the plans and wrote a Planning Statement to support the proposed development and the extension works. Despite this statement, the Planning Officer tried on several occasions to produce convincing arguments to refuse the scheme, ranging from impact to neighbouring properties, lack of cycle store and inadequate refuse storage for the flatted and retail occupiers. Every argument was met with a strong counter argument by Darryl, and finally the Planning Officer agreed that the proposed development and its layout was acceptable as it would meet the needs of the occupiers. The decision was granted under delegated powers.

If you have a proposal, which is being received negatively by the planning officers and you need a strong rebuttal, or you are considering a scheme and you would benefit from strong planning strategy, then please contact Pure Town Planning.